Real estate agents and brokerages can benefit greatly from an enhanced website, social profiles and online tools, to find new buyers and sellers, and help them navigate listings, create custom searches, find mortgage information, and close a deal. We help real estate specialists to create or manage a site, make their social networks fit their brands and stand out, and configure the data feeds for IDX, RETS, MLS and others to get listings in front of their clients. We also can provide video and virtual tours of homes, with both video production and editing.
If you work in real estate, you should be able to focus on finding clients and helping them buy or sell their properties, not tending to the technical gibberish of managing a data feed or website. We can handle all or any of that for you, or just set you up in a system you can manage. We also do email blasts and newsletters, text blasts, custom apps, and any form of graphic design for real estate agents, including farming postcards, flyers, presentation folders and inserts, signage and client “leave behinds” or promotional items.
We will take the mystery out of real estate technology and help you to create a unique brand, find new prospects, reach your customers with regular informative newsletters, and sell more homes.